
Self-denial is a game
so strange i never would've
wanted till there was you.
cause i have learned that love is beyond
what human can imagine,
the more it clears the more i have to let you go.

On vacation

T W O S I N 0 8


Your wonderful comments.

Scream out loud baby! ♥


holy innocents'
asknlearn Charity@perth


♥ June 2008

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Image : xXx
Software : xXx
Fonts: xXx
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you're currently at 2 sincerity'08's perth blog.
enjoy your stay here,
respect us 'cause we respect you.

Friday, June 27, 2008
Hey hey! Kim's here to share her experience of the second day in Perth. ^^

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One thing to be glad of when living with your friends, is that at least one of them are early birds… Well, after waking everyone in the cabin up, we prepared ourselves and headed for breakfast. After which, we went over to the winery. Before that, we fed the horses with most of us ending up with horse saliva all over our hands. Upon reaching the winery, there was a sheep shearing demonstration. Somehow, I do pity the sheep being sheared of their wool. Must be really freezing without a warm coat…
Our guide, David, showed us around the winery and explained to us about the process of making wine. Well, they have to start picking the wine grapes early in the morning at about 5-6am and ‘squish’ the grapes into juice and pulps. In this step, the grapes are placed into a machine that specializes in picking out the stalks. Yeast would be added and the juice is left to ferment for a week. After that, the wine would be transferred into stainless steel bins and sealed for further fermentation.
Also, we were showed how to bottle up the wine, inserting the cork in and sealing the mouth of the bottle. It was fun! After which, we took some photos of the awesome scenery and had yet another ‘feed the animal session’! The goats are really friendly. Later, we were given some free time to update our travel log.
Next, the Treasure Hunt! We were divided into four groups and had to accomplish some tasks to win the prize. The first task was to build a tower with balloons to the height of a chair. Amazingly, our group was the first to finish and went on to the second task. We had to collect 15 different kinds of leaves and 7 different kinds of fruits found in the farm. After which, we had to explain the process of making wine. Next, we had to prevent the egg from breaking when falling from a certain height. Well, we scotch-taped the egg with leaves, hay and the skin of a pomelo. After which, the egg was thrown down from that certain height. Luckily, it did not break. We proceeded on to the next task, which was to find any 12 pictures among the 18 pictures given. Although we were the last group, it was rather a fun experience.
After dinner, we had a small campfire. Again, we were split into small groups and had to present a cheer for everyone. The best was from nonetheless, the boys. Why you may ask? Well, they had a special request from Ms Michael, and that was… A Pole Dance! I truly pity the boys for that! After that, the teachers presented a cute cheer to us. Ha ha! That was so much fun! We ended the campfire and headed back inside to watch a movie. Soon, it was time to go back for a good night rest. Well, the night’s never young!

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Well, the second day... T^T I miss it so.
Mata Oai Shimasho! ^^
(See you again!)

It's Felicia.
Right,I'm here to post Day 1 of our Perth Trip!
Finally, it’s 1.20am. Time for us to board the plane for Perth. Since it was midnight flight, we were all encouraged to sleep on the plane as we have a long day ahead. Sleeping on board was really tough as it was quite hard to sleep while sitting BUT I managed to find a way to sleep. :D Soon, we arrived at Perth City Airport and to my surprise, the temperature was 5 degree Celsius! It’s really cold. Even when we spoke, mist would come out. Nice experience though. ((: We then boarded the coach for Kings Park. As I was riding in the bus, I had my camera on and could no resist the temptation of taking photos. Anyway, the scenery at Kings Park is magnificent. We actually took jump shots and even rolled up our sleeves to feel the coolness on our arms. I can say that my friends and I were enjoying ourselves. Next up was Fremantle Art Gallery. At this place, we got to see the artwork of this guy named Bon Scott. His art pieces are really nice. Soon after, it was time for lunch. We went to Fremantle Sea Port to get Fish & Chips. The fish is really fresh! Unlike Singapore’s, which is frozen, this fish is really fresh. Sadly,the serving is really big and we didn't have enough time to finish it.): What a waste. We then proceeded to Fremantle Market after lunch. We bought things for ourselves as we could not resist the cheapness of the things.((: So after a quick shopping at Fremantle Market, we proceeded to the Farm. The place I’ve been looking forward to the whole trip, THE FARM! The farm was really cooling and it would be really nice if Singapore had this type of coolness. ;D Well,it was quite sad that the 'Fruit Family' and 'Grandma' were not sharing the same chalet. But it was okay. We still had each other. ((: All of us made new friends from the bunking for the farm stay! Dinner was really nice. It was pasta. It was really delicious. As usual,Grandma was complaining about the food. Well, I guess that's about all.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I really enjoyed the Perth Trip and I love it! =)

To me, the most interesing part of the trip was sand boarding at the Sand Dune. It was the first activity in the morning on the 6th day. Since it was early in the morning and near we were near the lake, everyone were frezing and you could see many shivering. However, I did not felt cold at all. Perheps I had adapted to the cold weather. Cool! =) At least it is better to adapt to the cold temperature and really enjoy doing all sorts of stuff than not getting to use to it and complaining about the weather.

Sadly, the boat could not bring all of us across to the sand dune, so some of us remained to go for the cruise trip. While waiting for the boat to pick us up, we took a group photo together. After that, the boat came back to pick us up and took us on a tour around the lake. Compared to the other one I have been to, this was a little different as there were not many trees and it was purely sand. The cruise ended and it was our turn to go sand boarding! Although it was hard going up, being rewarded with the awesome view of the area surrounding the sand dune was worth it. I tried sliding down twice. During the first try, I tried sliding down while standing up, which failed, sadly. The second try, I sat on the board and slided down. Although the board stopped half-way, at least it was a successful attempt. =)

Overall, I enjoyed myself and had lots of fun! Not only that, I've bonded with the girls and through this trip, we really had through many things together and I appreciate the memories and fun we shared. It brings out the best moments of each and every individual one of us. Also, I was able to understand more about everyone through each moment of the trip. Not forgetting, we wouldn't be able to have all this fun without the teachers.

Trip to Perth as an enrichment as an Art lesson
We went to WA Art Gallery, PICA [Perth Institute of Comtemporary Art]. During the visit to these places, I learnt how to study a piece of art and understand why artists did that piece of work and his mood. It's really interesting as we understand lots of different situation that artists met in life.

To me personally, I really like Vincent Van Gogh work a lot. Though in his whole life he only sold 1 painting, he painted more thousands of art work. His thousands of paintings and drawings have various characteristics that have been copied by thousands and duplicated by none.

PICA displays art work which reflects a sense of a contemporary approach from a normal piece of artwork. We viewed mostly installation art which meant by taking materials from things around us to form a piece of art work. I personally feel that "Bubblegum Factory" is nice piece of art work as it made use of light, color, scent, sound, taste and touch to attract and affect the viewer and their opinion.

Trip to Perth as an enrichment as an English lesson
We had to do travel log every night. Though on some nights that we had stay up really late to complete the travel log, it's interesting to recap about what we did that day and do some reflection about the day at the end of the day. The language spoke too. Most Australians speak proper English and in order to communicate with them, we had to speak proper English in order for them to understand what we are trying to say. It's like a practice of kicking the habit of speaking Singlish or Chinese mixing them together with English.

Trip to Perth as an exchange with the students there
We had an exchange with the students with Mercedes College on the 4th day during the trip. At Mercedes College, we were first greeted by the smiling face of the deputy principal, Mr. Cole. He lead us to a room and soon make us feel like it was going back to school in Singapore. We went through talks given by different people in the school. After that, we went through a tour given by some of the students. The school was very big though. We next had a break and had some muffins. Students there are allowed to bring food out of the canteen. In fact, they are supposed to bring it out of the canteen?? In the canteen, there were only chairs and there were no tables. Students buy their food and bring it out and eat with their friends. It's really cool. Soon we had classes in their classroom. I attended a Biology class that started on a topic about bacteria and viruses. They asked the teacher if they do not understand. Soon, we had to go off to our next destination before we fall behind schedule.

Best of all, I enjoyed myself together with the friends! X)


About the trip to Perth, the programme which I enjoyed most was the visit to Mercedes College. On that day, I was excited to meet the students as there were many things that were different between the students from Perth and us, the students from Singapore. Sometimes, curiosity's a good thing and I really wish to learn more about them! :D

Upon arrival, Mr Chris Coles, the deputy manager, greeted us and briefed us on the school academic system, history, etc... Actually, their academic system was not much different from our school's academic system. For us, we have Secondary 1 to 5, where as they have Year 8-12. Also, the number of students in each class were on the average of 30 per class. After that, we split into groups of five and one of the students brought us around the school. The student who was in charge of our group was Mary from the 10th year. She was nice and gave us satisfying answers to our questions.

After the tour around the school, we were split into pairs and brought into different classes of different years to have a look of how the lessons were taken place. I paired up with Kimberlyn and the class we were brought into was the Year 12's. The students were having Geography lessons at that period. We were warmly welcomed and sat at the front. Due to the lesson being taught was Pure Geography and of a very high level of understanding, we were rather confused with what the teacher was teaching. Still, the teacher was nice enough to explain to us about the lesson and apologised as the students were preparing themselves for their upcoming exams. That, we can all understand. Soon, the lesson ended and we bid good-bye. Before leaving, we took a photo with the students and headed back to assemble with the teachers. After everyone were back, we had a big group photo with some students and staff. Also, we gave our magnets to the students before leaving for our next activity.

Overall, the Perth trip was enjoyable and I really love it! Many thanks to the teachers who had put in many efforts and hard work to plan our trip! All of us really appreciate it. Most importantly, we had fun together and bonded lots! I Love Perth! :)



Overall, I really think that the Perth trip was FUN! We got closer to each other and such.

The most enjoyable day for me is the fifth day. In the morning, we went over to Curtin University to finish up our necklaces. I was the first to finish, so I had nothing to do after, so I went disturbing people! Okay, not really, I helped Kurt in his necklace’s string. See? I ’m so nice! That is because I’ve got nothing better to do. HAHAHA.

After that, Anthon drove us to Chicken Treat to have our lunch! It’s very nice! Nicer than KFC. Singapore should have them. HAHA. So after that, we headed to the Pinnacles. 3 hours ride! Everyone slept in the bus. But I guess the trip is worthwhile. We walked around the Pinnacles desert and we managed to see the sunset! It’s the first time I actually saw a sunset. It’s just beautiful. Not only did we get to see the sunset, we also saw the moon rising up from the horizon. Well, although I mange to capture a picture of the sunset, I didn’t get the moon’s. I guess that will just remain as our own little secret.

i learnt alot through this trip.
it thought me how to appreciate things in life,
however little the thing might be it is all considered as a blessing.
this trip is a trip that i'll remember forever.


The Perth trip was awesome! I enjoyed myself.

My favourite day was the third day, when we went to Caversham Wild Life Park. I had gotten very excited and couldn't wait to see the Australian animals.

The first animal we saw were the kangaroos. Being a native in Australia, it is difficult to get a chance to get very close and even feed the kangaroos. I feel that the kangaroos were very friendly. They even held on to our hands when we were feeding them. I knew that they had ways of acting and they acted like humans. I had a great time with the kangaroos.

Then, I went on a camel ride with my friend. It may seem boring at first, but I thought to myself, "When will I ever get this chance to do this in Singapore?" So I decided to ride. It was a bumpy ride. The camels felt very relaxed and I felt relaxed too. I saw no point in worrying too much.

There were a lot Australian animals we saw like the wombats and the wallabies. I kept on telling myself, "Try to get as close as you can as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity". I did all my best to do so.

I enjoyed my time in the wildlife park.

As a whole, I have to say the experience in Perth was unforgettable. The people I met, like the students at Mercedes College, the jewellery making instructors at Curtin University and of course our bus drivers, are very nice. They are very friendly and it was very easy to communicate with them.

The places I went to, they left a mark in my memory. It is so hard to find such places in Singapore.

I would want to go to Perth again.


I really enjoyed the trip, but my favourite day would be the second day, when we spent a whole day at the farm. This is because I feel that it is during the second day that I got to know the most of my friends. I got to see the most beautiful and the ugliest sides of them on the second day. During the second day was also the first time I got to see cute and unique animals that I've not seen before.

We had got to play games on the second day which was fun. But of course, life's not always fair and make things a hundred percent perfect for us. We had the ugliest argument during the trip on the second day over a really stupid topic about the game. Even though we managed to win one of the prizes, it was truly sad for me at that time to see one of us joining another class.

But I got to be really crazy with the remaining girls, which was really awesome! We took quite a number of crazy pictures. Also, we squeezed into one room for a while, which I thought was the best ever! We played some crazy game there.

After dinner, we had campfire. At first I thought, "Ah. Such a small campfire!" But in the end, I enjoyed myself so much! Especially seeing all the teachers dancing and doing forming a whole line! I saw how crazy and fun-loving the teachers could be during this trip! Miss Micheal was one funky vice-principle I tell you!

At the end of the day, I truly appreciated everything that happened that day, making it my favourite day of the trip.

Reflection:During this trip, I got to learn more about Australia. The trip to Mercedes College allowed me to see the difference between their school life, compared to ours.I also got to experience living in a different environment. Being able to see Australian animals and learning more about them was also one very enjoyable thing!

Because I also love the arts, being able to visit the different art galleries made me really happy. Especially the trip to PICA, because I'm a fan of contemporary art. One thing that I learnt to appreciate was food! Because I realised it's not everywhere that you get to eat really good food, especially something as good as Singapore's food!

Indeed, Singapore is still the cleanest and the best place to live in.

This whole trip made me learn to appreciate many things, big and small ones.This trip is also one trip which Ill remember forever.